Supplemental Product Resources and Instructions

These instructional videos, manuals, and resources accompany some of our products. Browse our online store at

Montessori Inspired Lifestyle®: Starter Activity Kits

This short demonstration video shows how to use the activity kits.

Reading Roundtable® Activity Booklets

Get the most out of your Reading Roundtable® Reading Group with our new Best Practices guide!

Assess Reading Ability

Many people assume that the ability to read is no longer available when someone has dementia, but reading is actually a deeply ingrained habit that lasts a long time! Often someone stops reading because the materials they have are difficult to see.

Determine remaining reading capacities using this Reading Assessment, including reading samples, instructions, and tips for using signs.

Create Your Own Leader Versions of Reading Roundtable® Stories

Use the button below to download Instructions, Labels, and Examples to convert a Reading Roundtable® booklet into a leader’s version:

Hiding The Stranger in the Mirror: Dementia-Related Resources

Hiding the Stranger in the Mirror by Cameron J. Camp, Ph.D.Resources referenced in Hiding the Stranger in the Mirror, including the Reading Test and You Solve the Case solutions, are located on their own page at

CARD QA Training App Instructions

Montessori App Screenshot

The CARD QA Training App has been discontinued.

The new Person-Centered Montessori Abilities System® is now available.

Click here for more information about the PCMAS and to sign up for updates on new products from CARD.