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Evidence-Based Solutions and Proven Results

We have been studying Montessori approaches to dementia care for 30 years, and our research has shown many benefits to introducing a Montessori approach in the care of individuals with dementia.
Browse a selection of published research supporting our work.

Witt-Hoblit, I. , Miller, M. and J. Camp, C. (2016) Effects of Sustained, Coordinated Activities Programming in Long-Term Care: The Memory in Rhythm® ProgramAdvances in Aging Research5, 1-8. doi: 10.4236/aar.2016.51001.

“In a study of 16 Assisted Living Residences and Skilled Nursing Facilities that received Montessori for dementia training (Memory in Rhythm®), there was a significant decrease in medications, wandering, agitation, and employee turnover within one year. An increase was also found for weight gain, sleeping, census, eating, and ADLs.”
Montessori Inspired Lifestyle Study

Table 1. Percent (%) reduction in use of medications wandering, agitation, and employee turnover before (1 year) and after (1 year) of MIR in memory units of Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) and Assisted Living (AL) residences.

Montessori Inspired Lifestyle Study

Table 2. Percent (%) increase of residents showing in weight gain, residents who began sleeping at night, and census; eating (# of residents regaining ability to feed themselves), and ADLs (# of residents who regained/improved one ADL), before (1 year) and after (1 year) of MIR in memory units of Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) and Assisted Living (AL) residences.

Kennedy, K. A., Snow, A.L., Mills, W. L., Haigh, S., Mochel, A., Curyto, K., Bishop, T., Hartmann, C.W., Camp, C.J., & Hilgeman, M. M. (2024). Implementing Montessori approaches after training: A mixed methods study to examine staff understanding and movement toward action. Dementia: the International Journal of Social Research and Practice. Published online in advance of print:

“Montessori virtual training resulted in high levels of coherence and cognitive participation among multidisciplinary staff, evidenced by high knowledge, self-efficacy, and readiness to act. The asynchronous and synchronous trainings were accessible, relevant, and supported diverse learners.”

Mbakile-Mahlanza L, van der Ploeg ES, Busija L, Camp C, Walker H, O’Connor DW. (2020). A cluster-randomized crossover trial of Montessori activities delivered by family carers to nursing home residents with behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Int Psychogeriatr. 2020 Mar;32(3):347-358. doi: 10.1017/S1041610219001819.

“…the Montessori condition resulted in more positive engagement and affect for the residents and higher satisfaction with visits for carers.”

Skrajner MJ, Haberman JL, Camp CJ, Tusick M, Frentiu C, Gorzelle G. (2014). Effects of using nursing home residents to serve as group activity leaders: lessons learned from the RAP project. Dementia (London). 2014 Mar 1;13(2):274-85.

“…levels of positive engagement seen in players during RAP (resident-led activities) were typically higher than those observed during standard activities programming led by site staff.”

Van der Ploeg, E., Eppingstall, B., Camp, C., Runci, S., Taffe, J., & O’Connor, D. (2013). A randomized crossover trial to study the effect of personalized, one-to-one interaction using Montessori-based activities on agitation, affect, and engagement in nursing home residents with Dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 25(4), 565-575.

“During Montessori activities, the amount of time spent actively engaged was double compared to during the control condition and participants displayed more positive affect and interest as well. Participants with no fluency in English (all from non-English speaking backgrounds) showed a significantly larger reduction in agitation during the Montessori than control sessions.”

Skrajner, M. J. and Camp, C. J. (2007). Resident-Assisted Montessori Programming (RAMPTM): Use of a small group reading activity run by persons with dementia in adult health care and long-term care settingsAmerican Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementias, 22, 27–36.

“Results of this study suggest that persons with dementia can indeed successfully lead small group activities, if several important prerequisites are met. Furthermore, the engagement and affect of participants was more positive in client-led activities than in standard activities programming.”

Lee MM, Camp CJ, Malone ML. Effects of intergenerational Montessori-based activities programming on engagement of nursing home residents with dementia. Clin Interv Aging. 2007;2(3):477-83.

“Taking part in IGP was consistently related with higher levels of positive engagement and lower levels of negative forms of engagement in these residents with dementia than levels seen in standard activities programming on the unit.”

Orsulic-Jeras, S., Judge, K. S. and Camp, C. J. (2000) Montessori-based activities for long-term care residents with advanced dementia: effects on engagement and affect. Gerontologist, 40, 107–111.

“Sixteen residents in long-term care with advanced dementia showed significantly more constructive engagement (defined as motor or verbal behaviors in response to an activity), less passive engagement (defined as passively observing an activity), and more pleasure while participating in Montessori-based programming than in regularly scheduled activities programming.”

Camp CJ, Lee MM. (2011). Montessori-Based Activities as a Trans-Generational Interface for Persons with Dementia and Preschool Children. J Intergener Relatsh. 2011 Dec 12;9(4):366-373.

Camp CJ. (2010). Origins of Montessori Programming for Dementia. Nonpharmacol Ther Dement. 1(2):163-174.

Malone, M.L., & Camp, C. (2007). Montessori-Based Dementia Programming®: Providing tools for engagement. Dementia, 6, 150 – 157.

Dr. Camp is a leading researcher in the field of geriatrics, and his adaptation of Montessori principles is changing the paradigm of memory care. He and his team continue to lead research studies and to study the effectiveness of a Montessori approach. Let us know if you would like to work together.


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